Document No 4072: Vigilant, stern view | |||||||||||||||
REF : 0 EDITION : 1893 DATE : 02 Aug 1895 COURSE : 0 DESCRIPTION SITE : Goelet Cup, Newport; N. L. Stebbins took photos from the Amadis (Boston Globe, Aug. 3, 1895, p. 1-2). Volunteer won the slop class (after Defender had been disabled by a broken gaff); Emerald the schooner class. NOTES AMERICA-SCOOP :DEFENDER BREAKS DOWN; Snapped a Hollow Gaff in Goelet Cup Races. VIGILANT THEN SECURED THE PRIZE Defender Was Well Ahead When the Accident Happened and Would Have Won. JUBILEE BEATEN BY THE VIGILANT The Cup Defender Again Shows Her Superiority.NEWPORT, R.I., Aug. 2. -- George J. Gould has won a Goelet cup with his yacht Vigilant. She was in luck to-day, and won the much-coveted trophy through the Defender's breaking down. The Defender had led all around the course, and was only five miles from the finish when her gaff snapped just about the middle of the spar, and she was put out of the race. LICENCE :Public domain |
BATEAUX : VIGILANT | |||||||||||||||