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Category: 1934 : CHALLENGE N°15
November 1, 1933.— Where three years ago four candidates, Enterprise, Weetamoe, Whirlwind and Yankee were built and raced in an elimination series for the honor of defending the America’s Cup, only two syndicates definitely are being formed thus far for the 1934 match.
Harold S. Vanderbilt, who sailed Enterprise to victory in four straight races over Sir Thomas Lipton’s Shamrock V in 1930, will head one, probably with Winthrop W. Aldrich as an associate. Commodore Junius Spencer Morgan of the New York Yacht Club is organizing the other group. There is a belief in yachting circles that no syndicates will be formed in New England. In 1930 the Yankee, sailed by Charles Francis Adams, then Secretary of the Navy, and the Whirlwind were handled by New England syndicates.
Under the new rules mechanical devices below deck for handling sail and the duralumin mast of Enterprise were forbidden. This effectually bars Enterprise from consideration for 1934, but Weetamoe, another of the 1930 trial boats, already has been converted to conform to the new speci?cations.
Vanderbilt’s plans have progressed to such a point, it was learned yesterday, that he has had two models designed by W. Starling Burgess, who drew the plans for the Enterprise. Both have proved faster than the model of the 1930 defender in test races against each other.
December 07, 1933.— Yankee, the Boston syndicate yacht brought out for the America's Cup defense competition of 1930, again may be under canvas for a try at international representation in the match with T.O.M. Sopwith's challenger Endeavour next September.
May 20 - June 2nd.—First experimental tests with the veteran Vanitie: Rainbow win on May 20, May 22, May 27, June 2, but lose on May 21.
June 3.— "BOSTON CUP YACHT OUTSAILS RAINBOW; Yankee, Boston's America's Cup yacht, came back today after four years and made her challenge to the new Rainbow."
June 4.— "RAINBOW TRIUMPHS IN A 29-MILE RACE; Handily Defeats Vanitie and Yankee Off Newport, Making Her Best Showing to Date.
June 9.— "RAINBOW SCORES IN NEWPORT RACE; Makes Fine Showing on Beat to Windward in Defeating Vanitie and Yankee. MARGIN IS 40 SECONDS Lambert Yacht, Second, Shines Running Before Wind During 21 1/2-Mile Contest."
NEWPORT, R. I., June 15.-—-The race committee of the New York Yacht Club met tonight aboard the chartered yacht Wilhelmina to discuss plans for the preliminary contests for America's Cup boats that start tomorrow. These seven races will be the first of three series to select a defender against the challenge of the Royal Yacht Squadron which named T. O. M. Sopwith‘s English-built Endeavour.
The Boston aspirant Yankee will not race tomorrow as her skipper, former Secretary of the Navy Charles Francis Adams, will be at the wedding of his son.
The new Rainbow, for which Harold S. Vanderbilt is manager and skipper, will engage in a three-cornered sail. She will meet Frederick H. Prince's Weetamoe, like the Yankee a rejuvenated discard of four years ago, and the Vanitie, not eligible for cup defense but a pace setter with her great rig. Gerard B. Lambert owns the Vanitie and is paying the entire cost of her participation in the contests. In addition he is a member of the Rainbow syndicate.
After tomorrow the four yachts will be paired for the remaining races so that a true line on them may be gained. The New York Yacht Club broke tradition by deciding to race on Sunday. The decision was carried with a proposal not to hold a contest next Friday to enable the yachtsmen to go to the Yale-Harvard crew race at New London, Conn. It was also determined that the pairings for each trial should be announced at 9 P.M. the preceding night.
The second series, or so-called observation races, will start on July 7 and continue, as agreed, "for approximately two weeks.”
Prior to them the measurements of the yachts will be submitted to ascertain whether they comply with the cup rules. The contest on July 9 will be under the supervision of the Eastern Yacht Club of Marblehead, Mass.
Final Trials Start Aug. 22. : After the New York Yacht Club cruise early in August the final defense trials will be held, starting Aug. 22. No number was stipulated, it merely being agreed that they be held until the defender has been selected.
Edward Lang, chairman of the race committee, showed a comprehensive course plan for the trial racing which he had worked out and which was highly praised. It ranged from Brenton Reef Light-ship. Later the defense yachts will sail over the outer international course, with the start nine miles southeast of Brenton.
On the America's Cup committee are Vice Commodore W. A. W.- Stewart, chairman; Commodore Junius S. Morgan, Rear Commodore E. Townsend Irvin. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Van S. Merle-Smith and George A. Cormack, secretary. The race committee is composed of Mr. Lang, Clinton Mackenzie and E. Vail Stebbins, secretary.
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | TOTAL | |
Rainbow | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 10 |
Yankee | 0 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 7 |
Weetamoe | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 7 |
Vanitie* | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6 |
In the preliminary series Rainbow won four races and Yankee three. Weetamoe won an overtime contest that was largely a drifting match and was put down as unofficial. In this races, headsail trouble developed on all three American racers. They could not sheet in their jibs sufficiently to prevent them from shaking. Trouble has been experienced also on the English challenger Endeavour.
The observation races are scheduled from July 7 for two weeks and are considered the first real tests. Yankee, the Boston contender, was the only one of the three cup aspirants ready. Rainbow and Weetamoe have had new centreboards made, lighter than their bronze ones. The boards are of teakwood sandwiched between 5-16-inch bronze plating. Rainbow’s new board is not finished and will not be before Sunday at the earliest.
* Vanitie ineligible for selection
Race 1 | Race 2 | Race 3 | Race 5 | Race 6 | Race 7 | Race 8 | Race 9 | Race 10 | Race 11 | TOTAL | |
Yankee | 3 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 19 |
Rainbow | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 12 |
Weetamoe | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 8 |
Vanitie | 0 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 14 |
Big domination of Yankee with 8 wins and only two defeats against Vanitie, one after the injury of Captain Olsen. Rainbow has only three victories against Weetamoe (2) and Vanitie but none on Yankee. Weetamoe never won.
Note the decision of the Race Committee to disqualify Yankee in the last preliminary race on June 24 against Rainbow.
10 AUG | 11 AUG | 13 AUG | 14 AUG | 15 AUG | 16 AUG | 17 AUG | TOTAL | ||||
Yankee | 4 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 21 | |||
Rainbow | 3 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 17 | |||
Weetamoe | 1 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 14 | |||
Vanitie* | 2 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 18 |
As a result of the preliminary cup defense trials, the observation ones and the cruise racing, there is little to choose between Yankee and Rainbow when it comes to figuring contests won. Eliminating Vanitie, and getting down to the boat-for-boat results between the defense yachts, Yankee has come out ahead twelve times, Rainbow ten and Weetamoe three.
Yankee won only one of the preliminary trials, took eight of the observation ones and three cruise contests. Rainbow won five of the preliminaries, three of the observation ones and both the Astor and King's Cups. Weetamoe won one observation race and came in ahead of the two others on two cruise runs, on which Vanitie finished first.
NEWPORT, R.I., Aug. 22.— RAINBOW IS VICTOR; BEATS WEETAMOE; Vanderbilt's Cup Candidate Outsails Rival by 2 Minutes and 34 Seconds.
CUP YACHT YANKEE OUTSAILS RAINBOW; Wins Decisively by 6 Minutes 20 Seconds in Second of Final Trials.
NEWPORT, R. I., Aug. 23. -—- There was a postponement of the start until an apparent breeze settling came after an uncertainty. The air then waited eight miles an hour from northwest by west. A long windward thrash was desired, and one could not be obtained inshore, so a run to sea of fifteen miles was decided upon, with a beat back. The outer buoy was two and one-half miles off No Man’s Land, a well-named sand heap. The start was at 12:10 P. M.
Jockey for Positions - They jockeyed for position under staysails for their forward pull, with Genoas up in stops. Yankee's mainsail was loose on the leech, and as she squared off the wind it fell there in wrinkles. She was away first with her Genoa broken out. Rainbow went under her stern, heading for a position to blanket her. Just as she crossed the line Rainbow’s parachute was set. Yankee's was put on and her Genoa taken in.
Harold S. Vanderbilt poked Rainbow’s bow close up under Yankee's lee, and the latter's sails fell in a momentary blanket. But Rainbow’s also fluttered from back wind. The breeze had fallen all of a sudden, and Rainbow did not have enough air in her canvas to carry through a blanket. However, Rainbow moved up beside Yankee, and it was a nose and nose urge for a time. The sails of both yachts bagged until their parachutes crumbled like un-poled circus tents, with just enough breath in them to keep them from falling completely.
Yankee Draws Out - Yankee drew out a boat length. Her smaller parachute with less cloth weight in it filled better than Rainbow’s. In twenty minutes she was out five lengths. They lagged along for an hour. Then a little air sprang up. Rainbow, being the stern boat, caught it ?rst. Her parachute filled and she overtook Yankee, but the air ran out of her and she stopped as if caught on a rock.
Yankee went out in front again. The air backed and Rainbow’s parachute was taken in. She jibed, as did Yankee. Rainbow lay under mainsail alone for a time. A small Genoa was run up on Yankee. Then a large one was broken out on Rainbow. Yankee reached across Rainbow’s bow; then Rainbow crossed Yankee's stern. Ordinary spinnakers, were set on the other hand, with Genoas. Rainbow moved up again on even terms with Yankee and on the weather side of her. It was a remarkably even drifting match. There still was not enough air to fill their sails. Yankee took in her spinnaker and jibed. So did Rainbow. That placed Yankee technically to weather, only there wasn't any weather in a sailing sense. Spinnakers were put out once more. The pair were a mile from the mark. There the air came northeast by north. They could just carry their winged kites sheeted far out. Rainbow was slightly ahead. Yankee's spinnaker was taken oft ?rst in preparation for a. jibe around the mark. Rainbow’s was kept on until the last minute.
Rainbow Close to Buoy - Rainbow rounded 10 seconds ahead, but passed so close to the buoy she had to veer off, and Yankee, bearing off, turned inside her into the windward position for the close-haul work. Rainbow rounded at 2:39:30, and Yankee at 2:39:40. The breeze rose to seven knots, and that was where Rainbow did not harden in her canvas fast enough. She put on two headsails eventually, whereas Yankee set a Genoa and went out for a sail by herself. Rainbow swung under her stern.
Yankee went about to cover her and Rainbow swung back clear. With her two headsails Rainbow could tack faster than Yankee with her clumsy one. Vanderbilt baited Charles Francis Adams into one tack of speed, but could not succeed in the manoeuver again.
RACE 2 - AUGUST 23 15 miles to leeward and return |
1st LEG | RACE | GAP | ||
1 | Yankee | 2:29:40 | 4:59:05 | |
2 | Rainbow | 2:29:30 | 5:05:25 | 6' 20" |
Yankee, clear out ahead, began to sail the course. Rainbow went for more air near shore. Finally her double head rig was taken off and a Genoa set. Yankee turned on a tack inshore to prevent Rainbow getting any more wind than she had. The tide set them to the eastward considerably. When they both went about sailing the course Yankee was a mile ahead. Under her Genoa Rainbow began going and reduced that distance a quarter of a mile. Also the breeze rose to seven knots.
Yankee crossed the ?nish at 5:09:05 and Rainbow at 5:15:25.
Weetamoe and Yankee will be paired tomorrow.
NEWPORT, R.I., Aug. 24.— YANKEE WINS AGAIN IN DEFENSE TRIALS; Leads Weetamoe by 1 Minute 11 Seconds in Third of Final Series Off Newport.
NEWPORT, R.I., Aug. 25.— RAINBOW VICTOR, BEATING WEETAMOE IN FOURTH CUP TRIAL; Crosses Finish Line 4 Minutes 28 Seconds Ahead in 30-Mile Race Off Newport. WEETAMOE IS ELIMINATED.
NEWPORT, R.I., Aug. 27.— RAINBOW TRIUMPHS IN DEFENSE TRIAL. SCORES IN LIGHT BREEZE; Outsails Yankee by 3 Minutes 7 Seconds Over Thirty-Mile Triangular Course.
There were only flickers of air when the racers went out but the selection committee seeking all possibility of action after the postponement yesterday, ordered the yachts out. A postponement signal was hoisted on the race committee yacht. After two hours a breeze came from the southeast and the course flags were run up. Both racers set Genoas to use to windward in the light air and smooth conditions in which the wind would not spill from the sails. Rainbow's single large headsail, sheeted out around her shrouds, drew well.
The yachts were slow to the starting line. Rainbow crossed one minute after the signal and Yankee forty-five seconds after her. Rainbow went about right after the start and so did Yankee. They made a long port board to the southward. For a time it appeared that first one and then the other gained by pointing higher or footing out. Thirty-eight minutes after the start Yankee went about. So did Rainbow. The breeze was softening a bit, and, being uncertain, Rainbow, with her slight lead, did not intend to have Yankee get away into perhaps more breeze.
When they straightened out on the other hand, the starboard tack, Rainbow began to move out well ahead. The breeze hauled so they could lay the mark then. Rainbow went about the >first buoy at 3:16:30, after the start at 1:25 P. M., and Yankee turned at 3:19:10. It was there Rainbow led by 2 minutes and 40 seconds.
Upon rounding Genoas were carried over on the other hand and mainsails started for the close reach. The sloops slid along easily to the second mark with but low splashes of foam from their bows.
At the second turn Rainbow had a lead of 3 minutes and 10 seconds, having gained thirty seconds in the ten miles with sheets eased some. The turning times there were Rainbow 4:15:10, Yankee 4:18:20. It was a jibe around there for a run to the finish.
A spinnaker pole was run out on Rainbow as soon as she rounded, but her kite was not put on. It was figured the breeze was not quite far enough astern to fill it. Rainbow went on with her mainsail and Genoa pulling. Yankee set her spinnaker sheeted far forward to carry it. The kite sagged and she lugged it. Also it smothered her Genoa. Rainbow drew out.
RACE 5 - AUGUST 27 Triangle 3 x 10 miles |
1st LEG | 1st LEG | RACE | GAP | ||
1 | Rainbow | 1:51:30 | 2:50:10 | 4:08:51 | |
2 | Yankee | 1:54:10 | 2:53:20 | 4:11:58 | 3' 07" |
Halfway down the last leg of the course the breeze hauled a bit more aft. Yankee’s spinnaker filled. She got the change first, being the stern boat in the following air. Those on Rainbow were alert. Out went her spinnaker in a hurry. Yankee changed her plain spinnaker and Genoa for a parachute. With it she closed up on Rainbow to gain the three seconds in ten miles. Rainbow, saving her parachute, finished at 5:33:51 and Yankee at 5:36:58.
It was announced tonight that another contest would be held tomorrow. Rainbow now has won three of the final trials to Yankee's two. Each has beaten the other once. Of her last six races, including the Astor and King's Cup contests, Rainbow has won five, and of her last four races in which Yankee has competed Rainbow has won three.
NEWPORT, R.I., Aug. 28.— MISHAP TO YANKEE HALTS YACHT RACE; Jumper Stay Splinters in Face of Squall and Contest With Rainbow Is Abandoned.
NEWPORT, R.I., Aug. 30.— RAINBOW IS VICTOR IN 7TH CUP TRIAL; Leads Yankee by 2 Minutes 21 Seconds for 5th Triumph in the Series.
Today's race started in a white-capped sea with a fourteen-knot breeze north by east. The breeze fell considerably at the second mark, as did the sea, but both came up again and the wind was thirteen knots at the finish.
Both yachts broke out Genoas on crossing the line. Yankee headed up and suddenly Rainbow luffed her. Rainbow’s sails were flattened down and she was footing faster. Both swung up off the course. Yankee's sails were eased off and they fluttered. Rainbow bore off, but as Yankee turned with her Rainbow luffed a second time. Rainbow was heeled over with her rail down. When she headed back on the course again she was four lengths ahead of Yankee. They held slightly high of the course in the reach and half way along that first ten miles were able to set spinnakers. Rainbow put on an ordinary one, with a Genoa. Yankee set her parachute. Rainbow then had a lead of a quarter of a mile.
The breeze lightened considerably. As they neared the turning mark, Yankee’s parachute was taken off. Rainbow's spinnaker was kept on until the last minute. Rainbow went around the buoy at 12:57:45 and Yankee at 12:59:55. That gave Rainbow her lead of 2 minutes 10 seconds.
After rounding, Rainbow went on the port tack. Yankee swung around into the starboard one. Rainbow turned to keep Yankee under her. Both carried Genoas to the windward in the light air and smoothed sea. In nine minutes Yankee tacked. When she moved over with Rainbow the latter tacked on her weather bow. They were heading past Cuttyhunk. There the breeze began coming back. Both began heeling under it. Past red Vineyard Sound Lightship they were traveling fast. The second mark was near black and white Hen and Chickens Lightship, off the entrance to Buzzards Bay. Rainbow turned that buoy at 2:29:21 and Yankee at 2:31:16. Rainbow then was only 1 minute and 55 seconds ahead, but while Yankee had gained 15 seconds in time she had lost in distance, as they were sailing under a fresher breeze and going faster than at the first mark.
RACE 7 - AUGUST 30 Triangle 3 x 10 miles |
1st LEG | 1st LEG | RACE | GAP | ||
1 | Rainbow | 1:17:45 | 2:49:21 | 3:39:18 | |
2 | Yankee | 1:19:55 | 2:51:16 | 3:41:39 | 2' 21" |
With Genoa and staysail pulling, Rainbow drove down the third and last leg of the course. Yankee did not have on a staysail. After attaining a lead that Yankee had no chance of cutting down, Rainbow took off her staysail. She reeled off a speed of 12 knots. Rainbow cut the line at 3:18:19, 2 minutes and 21 seconds before Yankee.
This third straight victory for Rainbow over Yankee gave her five out of the seven trials held. Yankee has beaten Rainbow only once. Weetamoe, of course, was in some of the races.
NEWPORT, R.I., Aug. 31.— RAINBOW LEADING YANKEE OVER THE LINE BY ONE SECOND FRIDAY IN CONTEST OFF NEWPORT; Rainbow had won a fourth straight victory over the Boston yacht Yankee, sailed by Charles Francis Adams, against one defeat in the final cup defense trials, and after one second.
When it came to the race today, Mr. Vanderbilt was tired. His face and bearing showed it. But he set himself to carry on. Yankee had three tons more pig-lead ballast put in her last night. She also used her double-clew jib for the first time. Her Genoa tore on the wind.
There was only a flicker of the northerly of yesterday when the yachts went out in the morning. The start was postponed. After a wait of more than two hours an air came east by south and a course was signaled for a start at 1:55 P. M. Both Rainbow and Yankee put on Genoa for the windward thrust without a sea hop to shake the breeze from the large head-sails.
They went around in a circle together, twice maneuvering for the start, Yankee leading and Rainbow heading around on her weather. Both had to luff when they straightened out for the line. When they crossed they had little head-way. Yankee was to windward. They went along close together for eight minutes, then, instead of Yankee moving ahead in command, Rainbow went through her lee all of a sudden. Yankee immediately tacked, and Rainbow went over to windward of her.
They began to heel as the breeze took on life, and their long-footed Genoas filled. Soon they were tearing along. A staystail was set on Rainbow. Yankee’s Genoa tore. Rainbow’s was taken off and a working jib set. What was left of Yankee’s large headsail was pulled down and an ordinary jib set. Both were going fast, Rainbow working up a weather lead. They made a long port tack out in the direction of No Man’s Land.
At 3:05 P. M. Yankee tacked. Rainbow held on a minute-and-a-half longer and tacked to windward of her rival. Yankee tacked and put on her double clew jib. Rainbow went about, covering her every move. They then were headed in the direction of Squibnocket Beach, on Martha's Vineyard Island. From there they had to go past the island shore and the Devil's Bridge to the turning buoy. Breeze and sea lessened a tri?e.
They were so close into the beach that their sails stood out against the woods where the Indians are living, and their hulls against the sand below. There are six fathoms of water close to the beach there and each skipper held on before turning to get all the breeze there was off the land, as well as to keep out of the heading tide that was running :to the westward against them, with its full force out in the middle of the Sound.
Both swung together for the turning mark, Rainbow with her lead between Yankee and the buoy. Rainbow jibed around the buoy at 3:52:18 and Yankee at 3:53:51. That gave Rainbow her minute and thirty-three seconds lead.
The breeze came almost northeast in the Sound and was not enough aft for spinnakers. Both set ballooners. Yankee's parachute was brought out, in an effort to carry it and try to catch up. The halyard fouled and a man was sent aloft to clear it. Then the parachute was broken out. It sagged off to leeward, but filled and pulled.
Rainbow had on her ordinary spinnaker, with her ballooner. Out clear of the Elizabeth Islands the breeze followed them. Rainbow led past Vineyard Lightship by half a mile. With her parachute Yankee had more sail. She began to gain. Rainbow’s one-sided kite was taken down and her parachute put on. She had headed up some and could bear off with her kite pulling full.
Race 1 | Race 2 | Race 3 | Race 4 | Race 5 | Race 6 | Race 7 | Race 8 | TOTAL | |
Rainbow | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 13 | |
Yankee | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 7 | ||
Weetamoe | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
Yankee’s loftier parachute began to tug her along, however, in a surprising manner, and she drew up. Both eased the sheets of the big light sails until they lifted high above their bows, and the poles of them tilted far up.
Yankee began an attempt to take the breeze from Rainbow. The latter was elusive. Yankee's parachute folded up and she headed on the course. Then first one and the other kites alternately crumpled and filled. Yankee came on and was alongside Rainbow. Foot by foot,really - inch by inch - she gained. She just failed to get her nose ahead on the finishing line.
NEWPORT, R.I., Aug. 31.— RAINBOW TO DEFEND THE AMERICA'S CUP; Vanderbilt Yacht Is Selected After She Defeats Yankee for Fourth Time in Row.
George Cormack, Secretary of the New York Yacht Club and of the America’s Cup Committee came ashore at 7:35 P. M. after a meeting of the committee on the yacht Corsair out in the harbor here. He merely made the terse but telling remark:
Those on the committee who made the decision are Commodore Junius Spencer Morgan, Vice Commodore W. A. W. Stewart, chairman; Rear Commodore E. Townsend Irvin, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Van S. Merle-Smith and Mr. Cormack.
Some thought Yankee would get one more chance, or a race tomorrow.
This choice may seem hurried and awkward. Why take this decision after a race which proved that the boats had equivalent performances.
Rainbow | 11 | 12 | 17 | 13 | 53 |
Yankee | 5 | 19 | 21 | 7 | 52 |
Weetamoe | 7 | 8 | 14 | 3 | 32 |
Vanitie | 6 | 14 | 18 | 38 |
The table of results calculated with the system applied by Harold Vanderbilt in 1930 for Enterprise does not allow to decide. Certainly Rainbow has a point ahead but if Yankee had run twice against Weetamoe in the finals as his rival, it is Yankee who would have a point ahead. What think also about the disqualification of the Yankee in the race of June 24 against the Rainbow? Another questionable decision. Is it the same today and why the commitee waited three weeks to publish? Last note: Rainbow sailed the preliminary races between 16 and 24 June in being out-gauge with a centreboard too heavy and winches under the bridge that did not conform to the new cup rules, and this without penalty
People of Cup's Committee should not sleep very well when Rainbow was led 2-0 by Endeavour !