
Beal, Reynolds (1867-1951) USA (4)

Category: PAINTERS

BealRVAn important American impressionist, Reynolds Beal was encouraged early on by his younger brother, noted artist Gifford Beal, to study art abroad. Once Reynolds completed his education from Cornell University in naval architecture, and being from a rather wealthy family, he struck out for Europe, where he informally viewed as much art as he could, primarily in Madrid...

...Once stoked, his lifelong fire for painting never waned. Beal’s formal art education began in 1890 under William Merit Chase in his famous Long Island school. Although similar, Beal’s technic is more subdued in application and more vivid in coloration than that chase is known for. Inevitably, Beal’s nautical education led him to paint primarily ships and waterways. His individual style broadened from early technical portraiture to the surreal impressionist tableaus of broad, sweeping coastal vistas, most often possessing ships as distant subjects.


Reynolds Beal - 3 GRAVURES
Reynolds Beal
Reynolds Beal
The Finish Line, America
Reynolds Beal
At the Starting Line
Reynolds Beal
''Columbia-Defender Races - Off Newport'', America's Cup race