
Cozzens, Frederick S. (1846-1928) USA (20+16)

Category: PAINTERS

CozzensFVBorn in Livingston, Staten Island, New York in 1846, Cozzens became one of the era's better known sea painters recognized primarily for his early depictions of the fledgling New York Yacht Club racing events. He was also noted for his portrayal of naval events and maneuvers.

In his superior renderings of famous yachts, he was usually commissioned directly by the owners of the vessels.

He illustrated for publications such as Harper's Bazaar, The Daily Graphic, Yachts and Yachting, Our Navy and others. His widely received edition of lithographs, American Yachts, was published in 1884(these prints are highly sought after today.) Early in his career Cozzens became devoted to depicting the America's Cup races and various yachting competitions of the New York Yacht Club. A monograph on his work was published in 1982.

In his day, he had numerous successful exhibitions in New York, Boston and Philadelphia.


Frederick Cozzens - 20 PAINTINGS
Frederick Cozzens
The Brave Old America
Frederick Cozzens
PLATE I : The Early Racers Maria. America. Una. Ray.
Frederick Cozzens
PLATE VI : Finish Off Staten Island 1870
Frederick Cozzens
PLATE XVII : A Breezy Day, Outside.
Frederick Cozzens
Match Race Challenge, RAMBLER vs MADELINE, 1872
Frederick Cozzens
Plate XV. Lying-to off George's Banks. Norseman and Atalanta
Frederick Cozzens
PLATE XVI : A Stern Chase and a Long One Countess of Dufferin. America. Grant. Madeleine.
Frederick Cozzens
Frederick Cozzens
PLATE XX : America's Cup 1881
Frederick Cozzens
PLATE V : Rounding the Lightship, Fannie, Gracie and Rover
Frederick Cozzens
American Yachts (for the America's Cup, 1885) Near the Finish. PURITAN, GENESTA
Frederick Cozzens
International Yacht Race, 1887, Volunteer and Thistle
Frederick Cozzens
Finish of the Race
Frederick Cozzens
1895 America�s Cup Race
Frederick Cozzens
Sailboats, Steamers and Tall Ships
Frederick Cozzens
Reaching After the Cup - DEFENDER vs VALKYRIE III
Frederick Cozzens
America�s Cup � COLUMBIA vs. SHAMROCK, 1899
Frederick Cozzens
Columbia & Shamrock II – 1901 America’s Cup Race
Frederick Cozzens
The Start of the 1901 America's Cup
Frederick Cozzens
The 1903 America's Cup race between Reliance and Shamrock III


Frederick Cozzens - 16 Drawings
Frederick Cozzens
America, with her pilot-boat rig of 1851
Frederick Cozzens
Frederick Cozzens
Frederick Cozzens
Frederick Cozzens
Frederick Cozzens
Frederick Cozzens
Frederick Cozzens
A Breezy Day Outside
Frederick Cozzens
The Boston Experiment
Frederick Cozzens
The New York Experiment
Frederick Cozzens
The Finish off Staten Island - 1870
Frederick Cozzens
A Stern Chase and a Long One
Frederick Cozzens
For The " America's " Cup 1881 - The start
Frederick Cozzens
The Challenger - 1885
Frederick Cozzens
Frederick Cozzens
In Reserve