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01298VDéjà plus de deux mois d'un travail de correspondance que je pensais être fastidieux pour obtenir les autorisations d'utiliser les images de mon site. En réalité, beaucoup de satisfaction et une énorme source d'encouragement. A une exception près de quelqu'un qui me parlait de négociations et d'homme de loi, tous les peintres que j'ai pu contacter ont répondu favorablement et très rapidement.
Les trois maitres mots de leurs réponses:
     - remerciements
     - félicitations
     - encouragements.
Merci messieurs! Vous m'avez donné la force de continuer mon travail. Voici des extraits de vos réponses:

Après une proposition restée sans réponse auprès du New York Yacht Club, j'ai reçu ces magnifiques emails de Emirates / TEAM NEW ZEALAND qui nous montrent que, même si l'argent est essentiel, c'est quand même la passion qui a permis et permettra de soulever la Coupe.   Après Rosenstiel’s par l'intermédiaire de Steven Dews, un autre site a répondu à mes emails. Là encore, une réponse réfléchie écrite par une personne compétente et passionnée.
Allez visiter le Mariners' Museum and Park car il le mérite.

le 19 février 2019 16:26

Hello Yves,
Can I say what a fantastic site you have created and can quickly see how it has been a passionate labour of love for you. What an amazingly in-depth history of the early years of the America’s Cup and its vessels.
In saying this, unfortunately I am not in a position to purchase or advertise on the site.
But I can see how you would like to see this to survive you for the value to the America’s Cup community it holds so interested to discuss this more. This is some fantastic content.
Have you managed to licence all of the imagery you use on the site as there are some amazing images.

I look forward to hearing from you

le 19 février 2019 20:39

Hi Yves,
Yes, please do not let our lack of resource deter you.
This is an incredible site you have curated. And it would be a great shame to see lost.
I am very keen to keep in touch with you and see what can be done to preserve your work for the good of the America's Cup community over time.
As mentioned licenses of images is a tricky one for us, but I am sure many of the rights holders of the images would like to see them being used with complete relevance.

Lets stay in touch

Hamish Hooper | Emirates Team New Zealand | Media & Communications | +64 21 854 920 | emiratesteam.nz


The Mariners' Museum and Park
le 1er avril 2019

Mr. Gary,

Thank you for your correspondence. It has taken us a while to get back to you as we took time to think about how to handle this situation. We have checked out your website and notice that even though you had used 287 images from our site without contacting us for prior permission that you have given the museum credit in those cases and provided links (though many are no longer valid) to our website. We do acknowledge that this has been a service to us, directing your users to us. Therefore, you may continue to use the images; however, please update the links and credit us as "The Mariners' Museum and Park" as we are now known.
By the way, I notice many of your images are marked as Public Domain, You may want to do some research on that part because many may not be automatically in the public domain. Good luck with your site, it is obvious that you have put much work into it. Take care.

Lisa M. Williams
Digital Services

(757) 591-7703

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The Mariners' Museum and Park
100 Museum Drive
Newport News, VA 23606

   LES PEINTRES (par ordre chronologique des réponses)

Harley Barlett (le 27 février 2019)   David Monteiro (le 27 février 2019)

Hi Yves,

I read through the page that you've put together. 
I'm happy to give you permission to use my bio information and America's Cup images for the purpose that you propose in your email. 

Harley Bartlett
Bartlett Fine Art Ltd.
401 487 5479
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Hello Yves,

Sorry for the delay on getting back to you. You are welcome to publish the article and pictures on your website "America-Scoop".

Best Regards,

Colin Baxter (le 8 mars 2019)   Tim Thompson (le 25 mars 2019)
Hi Yves,
yes that looks ok , did you put my website www.colinmbaxter.co.uk on there as a link ? That would be helpful please. But you are welcome to include me on your site.
Some of those images were done for a book on the J Class, I have a copy of that for sale if you have a spare £600 + shipping .
Thanks for getting in touch about the copyright , not everyone thinks of that . As none of those images can be downloaded for commercial gain .
Colin M Baxter
  Good morning Yves,
I have looked at your site and am happy with it and that you have added our site info (www.timthompsonmarineart.com) to the top of the list.    However, there are a few of the images on your page that I no longer have copyright on.     Are you by any chance interested in a commission or buying in some fine art prints at a good price?   You will see on Quidley & Company, Russell Jinishian and Sheldon Fine Art sites some of my more recent works.
Best regards
Shane Couch (le 25 mars 2019)   Anthony Blake (le 27 mars 2019)
Dear Yves

Thank you for your kind email. I am delighted for you to use my photos on your site.
I am currently working on a number of new Americas cup paintings that I'd be delighted to send you for your site.

Best Regards




Hi Yves Gary,

I am very pleased that you are posting my images and details on your website.Do you know Christian Fevrier- a very good friend whom I have not heard from in a while.
You seem to have a fairly complete set of my America's Cup paintings- what else would you like.
Kind regards,
Steven Dews (le 26 mars 2019)   Steven Dews & Rosenstiel’s (le 27 mars 2019)
Dear Yves Gary

I have received via my friend Glenn Dunn, your request for permission to publish my work on your website.
Thank you for your enquiry.

I, personally, have no problem and would look forward to working with you on this. However, as you would expect, all the paintings are copyrighted. My publishers, Rosenstiel’s would have to give permission. With this in mind, I have passed your request on to them and hope for a speedy and favourable response.

If, in the event they are happy, I will send other images etc for you to include.
I am familiar with your work as I have enjoyed reading your articles in the past.

Kind regards,
  Dear Yves Gary

I have just heard back from David Roe, Rosenstiel’s and he is perfectly happy for you to go ahead with publishing the images. However, he did stipulate that the images be of low resolution. This would obviously stop reproductions being made from them. You probably do this anyway but he just asked this of you so we can maintain control of reproduction distribution and quality.

He did make the comment re the work you put in and your income stream for all this work. With that in mind, he did suggest that you could perhaps retail, fine art prints from your sight. He would be happy to talk to you regarding this if you thought this appropriate.

Rosenstiel’s are probably one of the largest and most successful fine art publishers in Europe, possibly internationally. I have worked with them for around forty years and enjoyed every minute of it.
Please let me know your thoughts as I would be more than happy to put you both in touch.

Kind regards,
Richard Lane (le 31 mars 2019)   Russ Kramer (le 31 mars 2019)

Thanks Yves,

Yes I give my permission. That bio looks like one from a gallery I use to show at.

If you can make two corrections, if not no big deal.  I belong to the ship model society of New Jersey. Not northern New Jersey. The other is the sentence about me only painting seven canvases a year. Can you omit that ? I do much more than that.

I'm also on instagram. Richardlaneart.

Thanks for your interest.


Hello Yves,

I am familiar with your site and happy to be included, thank you.


Brian Jones (le 31 mars 2019)   Tony Fernandes (le 2 avril 2019)

Hi Yves

Thank you for getting in contact with me. I am aware of your site which I think it is of very high quality.

I would be more than happy for you to used any of my work, if there's any thing in particular you might require please let me know.

Best Regards

Brian jones


Hello Yves,

thanks for writing to seek permission for use of the Americas Cup Yachts Series of my oil paintings.

Yes, no problem for use on  'web site viewing only basis'.

good luck with the task!


Sandro Feruglio (le 3 avril 2019)   Martyn Mackrill (le 4 avril 2019)

Yes, I confirm.




Dear Yves,

I'm more than happy for you to use an image of my paintings in your publication and if there's any other images you like please let me know and I can send you a large format digital copy.

However, please could you credit all the images you use.

kind regards

Keith Miller (le 6 avril 2019)   Paul Deacon (le 9 avril 2019)

Dear Yves;

Thank you for your email regarding my watercolors.
Yes, feel free to use them for the article.



Good morning Yves,
What a remarkable website and please take this email as permission to utilise images of my paintings. I feel my contribution to Americas Cup art has been limited compared to the many other British & American artists you've featured.
Are you able to update the narrative section with a few things as follows?
I may send you a couple more recent photographs to include.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kenneth Evans (le 9 avril 2019)   Willem Eerland (le 10 avril 2019)

Very nice Yves,

That article is perfectly fine. Thank you.

I am familiar with your site and I have enjoyed looking through it many times. Quite a bit of work went into it I am sure.

Good you updated some of the gallery information...

All the best to you,
Ken Evans



Bruno Angius (le 10 avril 2019)   Cris Hammond (le 11 avril 2019)

Hello Yves,

I watched your site. In my opinion, that is a complete, remarkable and well done effort that covers an epic period of the story of sailing: the heroic enterprises of the America's Cup. Thank you for your great work !

To me, it is a honor and a privilege to be mentioned in your article. Many sincere thanks for that, with all my approval !

Bruno Angius



Yes, I am happy to authorize your use of my images. I'll also attach three more paintings that might interest you. They are of classic sailing vessels on the Pacific, although not America's Cup vessels.

Thank you for including me on your website. It's nice to be a part of it.

Cris Hammond, Author - Artist

Nicolas Fox (April 16, 2019) Martin Swan (April 25, 2019)

Dear Yves,

I am happy to grant you permission to use my paintings and bio on your site. I've visited america-scoop multiple times and have used it as a resource! Thank you for all your work.

I am working on a large scale Reliance v Shamrock III right now for the Mystic International. When it is done, I will send you an image...Are you living in France? My daughter is living in Paris now, and I will probably visit France in the fall. I was greatly saddened to see Notre Dame in flames. Thankfully, much seems to have been saved.

Be well,

Hello Yves,

Yes, I am happy for you to use images of my Americas Cup paintings for your article. It might be useful, in an editorial sort of way, if you could send it to me before publication for my comments.

What else, specifically, are you interested in regarding my paintings?

All the best,
Martin Swan.

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