
Hellsten, Frank (-) SVE (25)


HellstenFVI´m a retired foreign service officer now trying to learn the difficult art of photography.
A few of my photos can also be seen in the Printler photo gallery:

Frank Hellsten - 25 PHOTOS
America´s cup 1886 winner Mayflower (1886)
US yacht Atlantic (ab. 1895)
US yacht Mayflower (1890s)
America´s Cup winner Volunteer as a schooner
The American yacht Gracie (c. 1891)
Schooner Mayflower (1891)
US schooner Dauntless (1892)
1893 America´s Cup winner Vigilant
US yacht Pilgrim (1893)
The start of America´s Cup 1893
The British yacht Valkyrie (III) 1895
America´s Cup winner Columbia (1899)
Shamrock and Columbia at the America´s Cup 1899
Sir Thomas Lipton´s Shamrock 1 (1899)
Columbia at the America´s Cup in 1899
Thomas W. Lawson´s yacht "Independence" (1901)
1901 America´s Cup trials
Shamrock II and Columbia (1901)
Hoisting the main sail on yacht Reliance (1903)
Vanderbilt´s J-Class yacht Rainbow (1934)
Schooner Corona (1900)
Britannia racing against Shamrock and Westward (1934)
Harold Vanderbilt´s J-calss yacht Ranger in 1937
Harold Vanderbilt´s J-class yacht Ranger (1937)
J-class yacht Yankee in 1937