Yves GARY Hits: 7963
Puritan was the 1885 America's Cup defender.
When the challenge of Genesta had been made public, a party of Boston business men decided to build a vessel for cup defense, to represent New England. The syndicate included Mr. J. Malcolm Forbes, who was to bear the bulk of the expense; Gen. Charles J. Paine, Mr. William Gray, Jr.,...
Yves GARY Hits: 12895
There was at that time a young naval architect in Boston, about thirty-six years of age, who had achieved considerable local reputation as a yacht designer, though he had only taken it up professionally about two years before. His name was Edward Burgess and his scientific knowledge was acquired as an amateur...
Yves GARY Hits: 2744
X3D is an open standard for 3D content delivery. It is not a programming API, nor just a file format for geometry interchange.