Yves GARY Hits: 6988
As soon as the challenge of Sir Thomas Lipton has been accepted, an order was promptly given to Herreshoff by J. Pierpont Morgan and Edwin Dennison Morgan of New York Yacht Club, for a cup-defence vessel, to be known as Columbia. C. Oliver Iselin had a share in her, and was to be her "managing owner."
Yves GARY Hits: 7133
Designing a Cup racer was getting to be an engineering problem in figuring out new forms of construction, strength of material, rigging, etc. In these things "Nat" Herreshoff excelled, and in addition to being counted one of our foremost designers and the one with the greatest experience in large "single stickers," the boats were constructed at his own plant.
Yves GARY Hits: 952
Designer Herreshoff has never been known to take a retrograde step. Each yacht that he has turned out in any class has been faster than its predecessors, and we have every confidence, therefore, that Columbia will be superior to Defender.
Yves GARY Hits: 2701
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