Yves GARY Hits: 5979
Mayflower was the second defender designed by Edward Burgess for the General Paine. She was built at George Lawley's yard at City Point that winter and was launched on May 6th. During its first trials, Puritan (1885) defeated it easily.
Yves GARY Hits: 7382
In anticipation of Galatea's coming, Boston yachtsmen immediately “got busy” after the 1885 race, with a view to holding the laurels they had won. General Paine, one of the Puritan syndicate, feeling sure that Puritan could be improved upon, which feeling was shared by the yacht's designer, placed an order with Edward Burgess for a new sloop, somewhat larger than Puritan, of which he was to be the sole owner.
Yves GARY Hits: 1732
X3D is an open standard for 3D content delivery. It is not a programming API, nor just a file format for geometry interchange.