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Category: AMERICA
Upon the General's death in 1893, his son Paul inherited the schooner, but had no interest in her, and so gave her to his nephew Butler Ames in 1897. Ames reconditioned America and used her occasionally for racing and casual sailing until 1901, when she fell into disuse and disrepair.
The America was sold to a company headed by Charles Henry Wheelwright Foster[disambiguation needed ] in 1917, and in 1921 was sold to the America Restoration Fund, who donated her to the U. S. Naval Academy in Annapolis. She was not maintained there either, and by 1940 had become seriously decayed.
On March 29, 1942, during a heavy snowstorm, the shed where the America was being stored collapsed. Three years later, in 1945, the remains of the shed and the ship were finally scrapped and burned.
Modern replicas
1967 ReplicaThe first replica of America was designed by Olin Stephens - Sparkman & Stephens -. Built by Goudy & Stevens Shipyard of Boothbay, Maine this replica was built for Rudolph J. Schaefer, Jr., head of Schaefer Brewing. She was launched on the 3rd of May 1967, 116 years to the day after the original was launched.
1995 ReplicaA replica version of the America was built in 1995 and operates whale watching and racing tours out of the Maritime Museum of San Diego. It was exhibited in June 2011 in San Francisco Bay in concert with exploratory preparations by the Oracle Racing team for the 2013 America's Cup race, to be held within the bay.